brief snapshots in time. memories and thoughts. disorganized and random.

Friday, June 10, 2005

tag... not just a children's game anymore

Thanks so much for the tag, 28goingon40... I'll tag you back (with something else) for this... ;~)

Here's how it works:

Pick 5 of the following questions and then complete the sentences. Then pass it on to 3 more of your blog friends! (No tag backs allowed.)

If I could be a scientist?
If I could be a farmer?
If I could be a musician?
If I could be a doctor?
If I could be a painter?
If I could be a gardener?
If I could be a missionary?
If I could be a chef?
If I could be an architect?
If I could be a linguist?
If I could be a psychologist?
If I could be a librarian?
If I could be an athlete?
If I could be a lawyer?
If I could be an inn-keeper?
If I could be a professor?
If I could be a writer?
If I could be a llama-rider?
If I could be a bonnie pirate?
If I could be an astronaut?
If I could be a world famous blogger?
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world?
If I could be married to any current famous political figure?

Here are my choices:

If I could be a musician? I would play Red Rocks as much as possible, it's such an awesome view from the stage!

If I could be an architect? I would design useful and beautiful buildings, but try to maintain historical and regional beauty. I wouldn't try to make my buildings stand out like a sore thumb.

If I could be a lawyer? I would reduce the amount of b-s that goes into the court cases I deal with at work. I wouldn't try to think of more things for me to do, just to waste my client's money. And I would be nice and fair... (and because of this I would never make it as a lawyer...)

If I could be a writer? I would write about whatever I wanted, not caring if it would sell or be seen by anyone... wait, isn't that the point of this whole blog thing.

If I could be a llama-rider? Well, I wouldn't actually ride the llama (they're not too keen on being ridden) but I would definitely take it on all my backpacking trips, as they are amazing pack animals. I would just have to be careful that they didn't spit at me.

And I tag (sorry):


Have fun with it...


Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

What, no "If I had a hammer" question?

Aarwenn said...

Goddamnit. I had a bad feeling I was going to be next on the list! :) Whatever, I'm totally honored to be included, it's like in high school when the cool kids said hello to you and you walked around feeling validated for the whole rest of the day. RG thinks I'm cool! WOO!

Yoda said...

I totally agree with Aarwenn!

It's like the end of The Breakfast Club!


PC said...

I remember doing this one a month ago? So it got to you now, huh? Good answers!