B: don't give her beer.
J: she likes it.
B: but then I'll have to drink beer all the time.
this was a conversation my friend B had with her husband while I was talking to her on the phone tonight. their daughter is 10 weeks old. her husband was being a good influence (obviously).
they make me laugh. most of my friends do.
and tonight I needed a little laughter.
NEEDED the laughter?
Why so glum chum?
I can't leave a beer laying about the house once open. My two year old loves the stuff. Terrible twos with a hangover - dear lord that's terrifying!!!
That's just what I needed today!
babies and beer: interesting topic! (just stopping by, saying 'hi'.)
has your friends hubby met mine ???
As long as it is Fat Tire I don't see the problem...
I thought I read somewhere that childrens livers aren't developed enough for alcohol,and it's dangerous?
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