I'm honored, really, even if it is a thinly disguised form of tag. The sometimes ever-so-slightly verbose, yet always interesting Wordnerd over at Jambalaya bestowed upon me the "Roar for Powerful Words" Award.
Even if perhaps she only awarded it to me because I praised her Tigers for their National Championship win. And even though I tease her about her own powerful word usage, I sincerely consider the award the highest form of compliment coming from an amazing writer such as Wordnerd. So, if you haven't put her at the top of your must-read list already, go check out her blog. Yes, now. Then come back here. I have others for you to check out, too.
So, back to the task at hand.
The "Roar for Powerful Words" Awards are distributed to “those people who have blogs we love, can’t live without, where the writing is good and powerful.” Award-winners then post their award, select five writers of their own who they think fit the criteria, and also give three ‘pointers’ about what they think makes writing good and powerful.
Now, I'm not so sure I agree that my writing is always good or powerful, but I suppose I have my moments. Those moments all stem from a few things, which I will consider my pointers.
Write about something you feel passionately about. My favorite stories are about my friends, family and my dog. About adventures. A favorite song, place, or thing. The beautiful moments in everyday life. Even the really frustrating moments.
Don't write when it feels like a chore. Write when the mood strikes. The NanooNanoo, er, blog-a-day thing I did in November nearly killed my creativity. The picture part helped, as I always feel passionately about my favorite photographs (see number one, above). But forcing myself to write every day was excruciating. I prefer to write a few sentences or a story whenever the mood strikes, hopefully when I'm not in a meeting.
Having a bit of copy-editor still lurking beneath the surface from my college days, I agree with Wordnerd's you-must-proofread pointer. However, try not to edit yourself right out of an interesting story. I always do a quick read-through before I post, but I try not to edit too much. I write as a way to get whatever is on my mind out into the open, onto the page. If on my quick read-through I don't like a lot of the story, I'll simply not post it. Try to come back and write that story in a more interesting way on another day.
And now for a little award-giving of my own.
The envelope please...
Although a difficult decision, the awards or "Roar for Powerful Words" go to...
Charming but Single Her ability to make me laugh with nearly every post is reason enough. And all her humorous and insightful stories are also very well written.
Inside Betty's Head She also makes me laugh, thankfully on a daily basis, as she's one of those crazies trying to post every day for an entire year. Despite the posting every day pressure, though, her stories are wonderfully entertaining, interesting, and often make me cry. And yes, that's a good thing.
Trish's Dishes Anyone who writes about their over-caffeinated dog with such... what's that powerful word I'm looking for... oh, yes... verve definitely deserves this award. Besides, she more-or-less offered to punch the boy for me.
Clew's Blues Another writer who has me laughing and crying right along with her. She sadly had not been writing much for a while, but lately she's been back in force. Yay.
A Life Uncommon Although she's not been posting as much lately, either, she is an extremely talented writer. Read through her archives. You'll thank me.
Seriously, go read all of them. They're all fantastic. And very much worth a click or two. And a comment. While you're at it, you might as well tell them hi for me.
And if you're looking for additional good reads, check out those links over there to the right. They're all great, and all deserve awards, I suppose, if being on my blogroll isn't reward enough.