brief snapshots in time. memories and thoughts. disorganized and random.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

what have they got? a lot of sand

After my note last week, I'd decided I was going to reclaim my weekends. I wasn't going to work all weekend, I was going to hang out with friends.

I had entertaining and interesting plans for all three nights and both days.

Everything fell apart. But at least I didn't end up in an ER.

Friday night I fell asleep on my couch early, missing my friend's call when she was ready to go out. But at least I caught up on some of that elusive sleep.

Saturday's cooking class got cancelled, so we just grabbed a low-key lunch instead.

Saturday night's plans fell apart, so I made other plans. Those fell apart as well. And I spent my evening drinking wine and watching The Illusionist, which was very good, if you're looking for a Netflix or On Demand recommendation.

Today's plans got changed to grabbing coffee with a friend instead of going for a ride. After the home-improving I'd done Saturday and this morning, I think my back and hip were thankful for that change of plans.

Tonight's plans nearly fell through, but my mom and I decided we could go again with my sister, who wasn't feeling well, and we kept our tickets.

It was fantastic.

Fish and crabs. And merfolk.

We went to the pre-Broadway engagement of The Little Mermaid. And technical difficulties aside, it was incredible.

And as fairy tales tend to do, the remind me that they are just that, a fairy tale. This one in particular also reminds me that different isn't always better.

Although some things may need to change, for the most part I love my life, just the way it is. Craziness, canceled plans and all. And perhaps a hot crustacean band instead of a lot of sand.


Tim said...

way to keep a positive attitude!!

Susan said...

It sounds like a perfect weekend to me!