brief snapshots in time. memories and thoughts. disorganized and random.

Monday, May 14, 2007

raining cats and dogs... and babies

As it poured, I ran a quick errand for my mom. Yes, even a thousand miles from home, I have to run errands for my mom. Then I headed north.

I stayed with Creative, one of the girls who had made it down for the mini-reunion. And who is working in Denver quite a bit now. We enjoyed relaxed at her house with her dog and chatted.

Of course the topic turned to TheBoy. Again. She believes he's not my one. Despite her best efforts, I remained unconvinced.

The next day I grabbed coffee with another friend from college and met her beautiful daughter. After a quick stop in the book store another friend used to work in after college, I headed over to LZ's house to meet her also very beautiful daughter. And of course say hi to the husband, the cat and the dog, before just us girls went to dinner.

On the way out the door, our friend M called. She still wasn't feeling well and couldn't join us for dinner, which made me sad. She had also had to cancel on the mini-reunion at the last minute.

Despite my slight melancholy at not being able to visit with M while I was in town, LZ, Creative and I enjoyed our conversation. Our wine. And our dinner. Yes, in that order.

Some people don't understand my choice of vacations. Why I would drive around a state and visit friends. They just don't get how much I love my friends. And how much I enjoy visiting them and their kids, whether they are furry or not.


Tim said...

have you posted previously about TheBoy? Details would be helpful...

Rebecca said...

I think it's a lovely choice of vacationing!!! I don't understand how someone couldn't understand your choices. :)

Susan said...

I love that - sometimes just visiting and catching up is the best vacation a girl could ask for.