brief snapshots in time. memories and thoughts. disorganized and random.

Monday, April 24, 2006

grey clouds

grey clouds and drizzle outside my window mirror my melancholy. is it the weather? or just post-vacation let down? every time I try to write about my recent trips or my grandma I can't. the words just won't come.

I miss something. it could be my friends. my grandma. a boy. beautiful spring days. my sanity. all of them, none of them. I'm not certain.

thank you all for your concern and well wishes for my grandma! wanted to let those that have asked know that my grandma's doing slightly better.

my mom flew back last night. more because she had to for work, than because she felt my grandma was fine. but she's back home. I'm back home. and my grandma's friend is back home to help her if she needs it.

the grey clouds will clear. the sun will shine again. outside and in. it has to.


Amy said...

some days it's just necessary to be melancholy. Let it roll and it will soon roll right off you and leave you with a feeling of renewal. You're going through a lot right now and it's important not to grieve a little here and there for all these parts of your life.

Tomorrow, perhaps, there will be sun. Inside and out.

Yoda said...


You know, that's the thing with writing...sometimes, there are no words.

When you write something as amazing and beautiful as this blog, it's easy to shift your focus on the result of the writing and away from the process.

You are not a writer because of the words we all get to read here.

You're a writer because you make the time to write. You create the space the words will fill when they are ready.

If you think about it, our whole lives are like that. We concentrate on the result, and are disappointed when it doesn't happen.

Make the space for things to happen, and then wait.

It'll happen.


Rainypete said...

I've always thought we have to get caught in a good dark mood once in a while to truly enjoy the light ones even more. It sounds like things are on the upswing and I will keep hoping for improvement all around.

mountaindog said...

I agree with Amy and Rainypete. If we never knew hard times we would not enjoy the good times as much. Not that the knowledge of that makes the hard times or dreary times any less hard or dreary - but at least you know what good times are and that they will come again.

Betty said...

Glad you're back, RG. It is springtime like you wouldn't believe in Cincinnati. Everything's bustin' out in bloom. Proof positive that your post is on the mark.

Hang in there.

Jeremy said...

And that is why he is Yoda...

Great comments.

Glad to hear things are going better - and besides, doesn't Denver have like 300 days of funshine a year?

I am sure this will pass.