brief snapshots in time. memories and thoughts. disorganized and random.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

what is wicked?

what is good? what is not? we all grew up knowing the witches from West and East were wicked. and the other, the one that started with G, was good.

but what if they weren't always that way? and what if they weren't even that way when a little girl from Kansas blew through town?

we went to see Wicked* tonight. it made me question things. it made me happy to know that there really isn't the definitive line between good and not-so-good that we were taught as kids.

so what was that I was going on about last week about not being good? of course it's all just shades of good, anyway. and, well shades of wicked, I suppose. and it's interesting and a bit liberating to identify with both at the same time.

* it was excellent, and I very highly recommend it.


Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Wait.....wicked isn't good, but Wicked was good?

I'm confused.


The World Against Me said...

Glinda hehe..

I so want to watch Wicked. Can't wait until it hits San Francisco

Susan said...

As long as you are the good witch I'm cool w/ that.

ramblin' girl said...

J, not surprising....

and that's the point glitter... all of us are good and wicked...

twam... actually her name may have started slightly different...